How do you prepare a house for exterior painting?

Eliminate contaminants. Although lead paint has been banned since 1978, many homes still have lead paint on their walls. Make necessary repairs and remove peeling paint. N100 respirator, mask with HEPA cartridges and protective suit for lead paint removal. If you plan to tackle your paint project on the weekends, know that getting the best exterior paint job requires three weekends of good weather.

Treat yourself to a shock absorber if unexpected rain or moisture gets in or have your roofs checked by companies like Oregon City's best H&L Roofing. To be safe, set aside a month during the dry season for your project when temperatures drop between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The dust from lead-based paint can harm your family, pets, and neighbors. If your home was built before 1978, when the EPA banned lead paint for residences, the paint may contain lead.

Use an N100 or professional-grade respirator with HEPA cartridges and a microporous protective suit. Speed up the process with an orbital or pad sander. To remove scratches, sand with 100 to 120 grit paper. Use medium-grain sandpaper for weathered wood and fine grain paper for moldings and doors. In this video, This Old House presenter Kevin O'Connor and painting contractor Rich O'Neil show how to properly prepare a house for painting.

Old House presenter Kevin O'Connor and painting contractor Rich O'Neil show how to properly prepare a house for painting. Do-it-yourselfers with a brush, sprayer and tools can try painting the outside of the house themselves instead of hiring a professional. Depending on the intensity of the shade, apply one or two coats of smooth exterior paint or eggshell throughout the house. If the house has mixed materials, such as siding and bricks, add putty along the surface where the different materials are located.

If you plan to tackle your painting project on the weekends, know that getting the best exterior paint job requires three weekends of good weather. Remove items that are close to the house, such as patio furniture, grills, and garbage cans, and place them away from the wall of your home. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to prepare your home for a flawless exterior painting project that will make you proud. If the home or surface you are painting was built before 1978, see the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Program for guidelines.

Rosemary Segel
Rosemary Segel

Avid bacon lover. Bacon trailblazer. Certified social media ninja. Unapologetic zombie guru. Certified social media junkie.